My name is Ariun-Buyan. I was a shepherd in Gobi-Altai aimag (province) until 2001 when I lost all my 350 animals in a snow disaster that winter. Since then my family and I moved to live with my elder sister in a small village called Tunhil. Feeling despondent over the loss, I began drinking excessively to the extent that I was hardly sober through a year. I was so addicted that the villagers nicknamed me “Alcoholic-Buyan”. One day, I returned home sick from overdrinking only to find that my wife had left me. I felt the roof caved in on me.

Thankfully the people in church were nice to me, which helped me to decide for CR program. There, I accepted Jesus as God almighty. Previously my life was aimless, and I did not know how to raise my children. Now, not only do I have a purpose in life, also Jesus’ love and peace. Jesus brought peace in my family. Whenever opportunity arises, I caution others against erring like I did. I also tell them that they can find alternatives in Jesus.


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